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The Yabble blog: Virtual Audiences 2

Synthetic Data 101 for Marketers and Researchers

Hey there, marketers and researchers! If you missed our recent webinar hosted by Insight Platforms, don't worry – we've got you covered. Mike Stevens from Insight Platforms and..

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Answers to the top 5 research questions Fortune 100 companies want answered about their Millennial audiences

Navigating the Millennial maze has become a must-win game for Fortune 100 companies looking to stay cool, relevant, and, let’s face it, profitable. With Millennials now..

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Answers to the top 5 research questions Fortune 100 companies have about their Gen Z audiences

Cracking the Gen Z code has long been a quest for big brands eager to connect with the most internet-savvy, trend-setting bunch of consumers out there. It's all about figuring out..

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Augmented Data: How and Why Now?

Researchers love knowledge. And in a perfect world scenario, they would have fast and unlimited access to the answers they seek. Up until recently, this was simply not possible...

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